Cushion, the word itself is a comfort; it’s about softness, about protection, a buffer, lessening a blow.
I have a bit of a ‘thing’ for cushions and I’m sure I’m not alone in this but I often find them to be irresistible. Practically they can provide support for aching backs, necks and legs and (more importantly) they can transform a room in an instant for very little outlay, well ok sometimes the price tag is hefty but hey…
Here are some from my collection. Note the colour green appearing frequently – I will be blogging on the colour green very soon…
My most recent purchase is the one with the pens, which resides on the window seat in my office. It combines two of my passions, cushions and fountain pens and I fell upon it shortly before my first book Dear You was published. It seemed such a fitting purchase for the home of a writer (most especially one obsessed with cushion procurement).