I am delighted to be taking part in Fertility Fest 2018 talking about …
The Unborn Child
11.45am, Saturday 12 May | Included in day ticket price
What does it feel like to be the parent of a child who is never born? A baby that was only a dream, an expectation or just a cluster of cells that strived but didn’t survive? The number of people entering their forties childless by circumstance has doubled in a generation. Most of them have not actively chosen to live child-free and have found themselves childless by circumstance for a myriad of reasons including not finding the right partner and medical sub fertility or infertility.
Writer Tessa Broad will be reading from her 2017 book Dear You – a letter to her unborn children. And artist Tina Reid will be talking about her moving photographic and video installation project Photos I’ll Never Take. The artists will be joined on stage for a discussion with Dr Robin Hadley, the leading academic on the experience of male childlessness and Stephanie Phillips, Founder of World Childless Week. Chaired by the Fertility Podcast’s Natalie Silverman.