I love these boots...I've been buying them for years.
I love these boots – this is my third pair not because they don’t last or anything, just that I’ve been buying them for lots of years. Wellington boots are a very necessary, but often ugly part of country life and whilst gumboots (love that word) have become more stylish in recent years, I believe Ilse Jacobsen were ahead of the game with this design.
I have had lots of Sarah Raven references when wearing them, which I think was not actually meant in a complimentary way but I have not taken offence for she is a passionate gardener and very creative with cut flowers, both growing them and arranging them. I also have two of her cookbooks, which are so much more than a collection of recipes (love the Kentish Apple Cake and the Shallot Tatin). So, she is to be admired for at least three reasons as far as I’m concerned, not to mention the You Tube videos of her potting up dahlias wearing diamond rings and fabulous scarves. I did already have a pair before Sarah Raven was on our TV screens, quite why I feel it necessary to point that out I don’t know; actually I do, I feel the need to say I’m not trying to emulate the Sarah Raven ‘look’ here, I just happen to wear the same welly boots. Of course there is nothing wrong with liking what someone else is wearing and then copying the look. I can often be found running after someone in the street or supermarket to tell them that I like their outfit and if it’s not too presumptuous – to ask them where they got it from. Almost always I’ve found people delighted to share.
Anyway here are the beautiful boots in their glorious, unworn newness (images courtesy of Isle Jacobsen), with the final image being my muddy pair after a Cornish winter of dog walking.
Get your pair here https://walkthestorm.co.uk/store/ilse-jacobsen-tall-laced-rubberboot/